A pleasant surprise this evening when I popped down to check the trail camera which I had left out at one of my Fox dens. As I was passing the first den, some movement near the holes caught my eye, and I was amazed to see three or four tiny Fox cubs (kits in America?) wandering around. I dived down behind a bush to get out my equipment (ooh, er!), and was able to set up only about twenty metres from them. They barely seemed to notice I was there, only looking with mild interest in my direction when I fired off a burst from my camera:

By the size of them, and by the fact that I haven't seen them before, I wouldn't be surprised if this is their first time above ground. Anyway, after a few minutes, as the hazy sun disappeared, they went underground, and didn't re-emerge in the next half-hour, so I let them be, only to return later, but there was no sign of them this time. The weather doesn't look good for photography for the next day or two, but I've left my trail camera nearby to monitor them, so here's hoping for some more footage and photographs of them as they grow over the next few weeks.