Saturday, February 16, 2013

Another Star-trail

Apologies for posting another of these star-trails, but as we had an unexpectedly clear sky on Thursday evening, I left my camera out on a tripod in Clyne Woods for a couple of hours whilst I relaxed at home. Sixteen ten-minute exposures (for a total of two hours, forty minutes) merged into one gave this result:

Will try to post something other than a star-trail next!


  1. Hi Jeremy, no need to apologize, I absolutely love your photos. This is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. You are inspiring me with these. it's years since I shot any.

  3. AMAZING.....i like this Jeremy.

    Greetings, Joop

  4. They are pretty amazing those trails, excellent stuff!

  5. ♪♫º♫♫º
    Olá, amigo!

    A fotografia está simplesmente maravilhosa.

    ღ°Bom fim de semana! ♪♫º
    ♪♫♫º Beijinhos.
    ♪♫º Brasil.♪♫♫º
